
Week 3 Winners: Halloween Community Contest

Week 3 Winners: Halloween Community Contest
Userlevel 7
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  • Sr. Security Analyst & Community Manager
  • 1130 replies

Hey everyone!

Here are Week 3 winners for our contest! 



@Martin.1 @Jamesharris85 @russell.harris @tmcmullen @jhartnerd123 @MunkeyMan @kleinmat4103 @MajorHavoc @AsadP @durantash 

For those that need a refresher on prizes in contest and how to win please see this post



Remember I will reach out to you all after the contest ends for shipping as many of you will win multiple prizes.

Please note that you can only win 1 prize of each tier. EXAMPLE: If you win 1st place twice then you will get one 1st place prize and one 2nd place prize and the second 1st place prize will go to the next qualifying contestant who also hasn’t won 1st place yet. 


The infosec news sharing is great and I’ve learned a lot more in the past few weeks than I would have normally. I know chit-chat threads have exploded and some are fun 😀, but please refrain from being extreme with the nonsensical print of meaningless comments in threads to pump points.


One more week to go! Good luck everyone!

14 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Thank you @TylerM  🙂 Congrats to all the winners


Userlevel 7
Badge +33

Congrats all. These contests are a great way to get more involvement in the community.

Userlevel 5
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*This is a print of a meaningless comment to thank Tyler to pump my points up*

kidding - don’t like this comment, share the likes with someone else :P

I’m slowly drowning down on the leaderboard.. let’s see who else can join it!

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Thanks again Tyler!

Userlevel 7
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Well done everyone! Thanks once again @TylerM 

Alot more sharing of knowledge and experiences which have been great. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

@TylerM Thanks Sir. And congrats to all the winners. Lets bring some real nonsense talk in this week and try reach a 1000 pints? Who is game for this?


Ok on serious note, thank you Tyler and well noted. (NOT the urban dictionary noted though) 

Userlevel 7
Badge +25

Congrats to all the winners this week. My work is just keeping me too busy to get serious here this time around. And thanks Tyler for yet another cool set of contests. I need to win more socks. I wore mine out. 😀

Userlevel 7
Badge +37

@TylerM Thanks Sir. And congrats to all the winners 😍

Userlevel 7
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Congrats to all the winners this week. My work is just keeping me too busy to get serious here this time around. And thanks Tyler for yet another cool set of contests. I need to win more socks. I wore mine out. 😀

Don’t blame you. I actually wore a pair of my Webroot socks yesterday. They don’t just look good but they’re very comfy too!

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Congrats to all winners this week! Fun to engage with everyone!

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Congrats to all winners this week! Fun to engage with everyone!

That for me, is one of the awesome things about this community. Not only do we share knowledge, which I think we do to little of, but we also engage with others across the globe which is awesome. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Congrats to all winners this week! Fun to engage with everyone!

That for me, is one of the awesome things about this community. Not only do we share knowledge, which I think we do to little of, but we also engage with others across the globe which is awesome. 

Many Forums/discussion boards call themselves a ‘community’ and I dont feel they are.

As you say, this is definitely a community.


Userlevel 7
Badge +4

@russell.harris  lol have you ever visited the “veeam community” damn the north pole  is hotter than that. 

Userlevel 7
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@russell.harris  lol have you ever visited the “veeam community” damn the north pole  is hotter than that. 

No, not had the ‘pleasure’. Think I'll pass then!
