Beijing to Washington: Ratted-out routers not welcome here

  • 25 May 2014
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 7

China announces vendor 'vetting' plan to keep out snoopware-infested kit

By Simon Sharwood, 23 May 2014  China has taken revenge on the USA for its Huawei ban and router-ratting actions alleged by Edward Snowden, by announcing a new “vetting” process for foreign technology providers.
The news emerged in Xinhua, a party-controlled Chinese news organ that reportsState Internet Information Office spokesperson Jiang Jun as saying “For a long time, governments and enterprises of a few countries have gathered sensitive information on a large scale, taking the advantage of their monopoly in the market and technological edge.”
 "They not only seriously undermine interests of their clients but also threaten cyber security of other countries."
China will therefore step in and vet vendors that aspire to sell within its borders to safeguard not only its own interests, but the world's!
Stories like this don't appear in Xinhua as a result of cunning digging by its staff. That this one mentions Edward Snowden makes the conclusion China is retaliating to recent reports the NSA is touching-up US-made networking kit before export near-irresistible.
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Had to say that this one made me laugh and worry in equal measure; laugh at the pettiness of it all...they are like kids, worry about where this could all lead...a new 'vector' has been opened up or at the very least brought to light...and in this world of Globalisation can we be sure about what we have purchased given that it could have been made anywhere and therefore suborned by anyone?

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Here's the thing Haweii has stolen Ciscos IOS source code and rebranded it as their own and sold it in their routers. They do not have room to talk.
I still feel this is in a twisted sort of way a very bad thing for the security of the United States. I know we are not perfect. We live in a world of dictators and psychopaths that often end up leaders of nations. With several billion people on this planet one of the best things we have going for us is surveillance of all forms. What Snowden did was to take away or diminish drastically our ability to keep the USA free and safe. Freedom and security often are not easily paired. If there is ever a nuclear device detonated in the continental United States by terrorists, Snowden should know he played a large part in making it more difficult for the NSA and other security organizations to stop it. As to this article, I love the Chinese people but their government is not to be trusted and is building a massive military that it intends to use some day. They are getting more aggressive in the region they live almost daily. What Snowden did is not to be applauded and praised. He should be punished and imprisoned at least for the rest of his natural life. He endangered and put at risk American military, security forces, and citizens of this nation all over the world. I understand what Snowden did but that does not make it right. I pray for mercy for him but personally do not want to ever see him allowed back in the United States... ^_^
