Got an iPhone? Here’s what we think about the security of iOS11

  • 17 August 2017
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17th August 2017  by Maria Varmazis

We’re due for an update to Apple’s iOS pretty soon, as the current stable release, iOS 10, is nearly a year old and iOS 11’s beta is rumored to be near completion and ready to launch soon.
Exactly when we don’t quite know – Apple isn’t forthcoming about details of its roadmaps, and simply says it’ll be “this fall”. (For reference, iOS 10 came out in early September 2016, just in case we’re looking at a yearly schedule.) As we’re counting down the last days of summer in the northern hemisphere, the iOS 11 official launch is likely not long away.
 So it seemed a good time to take the beta for a whirl on my old iPhone 6 to see what changes coming might be of interest to the security-minded. (You can read the very shiny list of major updates on the official iOS preview page from Apple; not everything I cover below actually appears on the preview.)
A lot of the changes touted by the official pronouncements are about usability, design, and accessibility changes — all well and good, of course — but I want to kick the tires a bit with the security and privacy settings.
Full Article.

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Userlevel 7
Quite wise to "kick the tyres re. sceurity..." as given Apple's past record of 'denial' in thee matters who says they have woken up yet to the real world?
