WIN 7 to 10 Upgrade.

  • 8 August 2015
  • 1 reply

  • Fresh Face
  • 2 replies
To all of you Webroot Geeks, I thank you. The Webroot Secure Anywhere software is goood!
I have so much fear that I did overkill with more than one software which is anathema. I am too old for code, but I have grown with computers since 1946 when I first programed the massive IBM. MS just keeps pushing crap out the door when it is not ready for prime time. Maybe I have no conception of the code complexity, but it is complex enough for me after 69 years.

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Welcome to the Community Forums.
You are most welcome and we are glald that you find WSA to your liking.
If you have any questions or issue re. WSA please feel free to bring them here and we will do our best to answer them/assist in resolving them for you.
Regards, Baldrick
