how to disable webroot filtering extension

  • 31 January 2015
  • 9 replies

Webroot filtering extension is slowing my computer way down, and I've read for other people too, who disabled this feature. I can't find anything to click on when I bring up the Webroot dashboard. Nor can I find any instructions to disable. People talk about it, but aren't explaining how to accomplish it. Please HELP, I'm really starting to hate WebRoot.
If you answer, please contact me directly at ~snip Remove email address for security reasons snip~, as I have no idea if I would ever be able to come back here to find an answer.
Thanks so much,

9 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Hello Marsha and Welcome to the Webroot Community!
If you can just hold on for a while more as we Beta testers are testing a new Web Filter Driver and so far so good but there is no time table as to the release to the Public but it should be soon! If you still want to disable go into the Browser and under Add-ons or Extensions just disable in there here is picture of Internet Explorer & Firefox if you need to know how on Chrome I can show you that as well.
Daniel ;)


Internet Explorer!


Thank you so much for replying Daniel. I figured out Chrome from your other instructions. Hope this makes a difference. I guess you BETA users can let the rest of us know when the fix is up, and we can reverse the disable. Thanks again, Marsha
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Sure thing Marsha keep and eye on the Community so that's means visit often as we are a great bunch!
Daniel 😃
The webroot filtering extension refuses to be disabled in Chrome for windows 7. You click and it ignores you. Nor will it be deleted - instead arrogantly announcing it is 'installed by enterprise  policy' . 
I'm really getting sick of webroot arbitrary and stealthy attempt to control my systems and resistance to allowing me to choose my own policies. 
Frankly it has slowed down browsing to unusable mistakenly and repeatedly blockes normal and common work sites and refuses configuration.
Frankly its more like a virus than an antivirus.
Very close to uninstalling just months after spending hundreds on upgrades.
Really arrogant attitude towards users.
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Hello ? and Welcome to the Webroot Community!
Well I don't have any issues so it would be best to Submit a Support Ticket so they can get to the bottom of your issue and please let us know what they come up with.
Daniel 😉
Hi Daniel,
Do you have a link to the beta extension? or beta program? Thanks
Userlevel 4
Badge +3
Wow! THIS is first and ONLY comment I've ever read that was anti-W/R!! It's too bad you had some problems, but, in my experience with this company (and many who will agree with me), you are way 'out-of-line' with your negative comments against W/R:(!!! I have used several A/V products in the past and THIS company (and product) is the absolute BEST in the business (imho) and anyone who would make the derogatory comments YOU have made about W/R, obviously does not know a 'good thing' when he sees it!! Look.....NObody (or company) is 100% flawless, but compared to other companies in the 'anti-virus biz', for the money, you simply cannot buy a better product to keep your PC safe from the 'bad guys'!!! Believe me....I know this from personal experience !!!
I have tried to disable through manage add ons, however when i try to click on disable it won't allow  me to. WHY???
It is very frustrating. It like you are locking me out of my own computer. I did not agree to that.
Sincerely, Pat
You sir are the rude one. Lots of people have this issue. We are an MSP and some client servers hang and cannot be accessed untaill after a hard reset. We do not use the Web Threat Shield for this reason.
