How to blanket your home or small office with Wi-Fi

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How to blanket your home or small office with Wi-Fi
Michael Brown@brownieshq Jun 23, 2014 3:30 AM
10 tips for extending your wireless network
Wireless networks have gone from being nice to have to being indispensable. And it’s not just computers that have come to rely on Wi-Fi. You can save money on your mobile data plan by connecting your smartphone to it. Your tablet needs it. Your smart TV demands it. Even your home-automation system requires your wireless network to connect to the Internet. When your computer was locked down in one spot, it wasn’t a big deal if your Wi-Fi router couldn’t reach every corner of your home. But you can’t move your TV into the den just to get reception. And you shouldn’t have to limit where you can wander inside—or even outside—your house with your laptop, smartphone, or tablet and still be able to reach the Internet. Those Wi-Fi deadspots have got to go. Lucky for you, we have 10 great tips for blanketing your entire home with Wi-Fi.

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