how do i get a keycode

  • 15 May 2015
  • 1 reply

how do i get a keycode

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +62
Hi bigA63,
Welcome to the Webroot Community,
Are you trying to install the free version of Webroot Mobile? If so look below and it'll descaribe where to find your Webroot keycode.
The keycode is found by clicking in the upper right hand corner where the little dots are and that will bring up the settings in the lower panel. One of those settings is the register on that and it will show the free keycode listed . It shows Activate/upgrade a new product key. Click on Activate andthen this activates the keycode. One needs to write down the keycode in order to fill in the :Enter Product Key.


The spinning circle goes around nuntil it is activated.
Please go HERE for more information.
If you need more assistance or this isn't what you were asking please get back to us,
Kind Regards
