Computer Novice Concern About Quarantined Item

  • 15 June 2015
  • 2 replies

I am a new computer user.  Webroot SecureAnywhere detected a threat. The following threat was detected and quarantined:  syncfusion.pdf win rt.dll in c: programfileswindowsappsa6783f7c.alarmclock_23.81.15_neutral_78bh77839s0easyncfusion.pdf winrt.dll
Could anyone help me to understand what this means?  Do I need to be concerned about the security of the computer? 
Is it best to leave the item in quarantine?
How did this happen so I can avoid it in the future?  Thank you!

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +3
Hello gs12, and Welcome to the Webroot Community,
The only way to be absolutely sure is to Submit a Support Ticket  and they will confirm the situation.
My feeling is that it may be a false positive, and you could also Submit file for analysis 
And here is info about managing quarantined items 
Please let us know if you have any questions. Thanks. 
Userlevel 7
Badge +62
Hello gs12,
Welcome to the Webroot Community,
To add to  @  if I may,
if the files are quarantined then there is NO WAY that they can harm your system; you are perfectly safe to leave them there.  However, if there is a build up of such files then at some stage it you should really either delete them permanently from Quarantime or restore them (if you believe that they have been put there in error/due to a false positive detection).
Also have a look here How do I know Webroot is working
Kind Regards,
