
Is Webroot Secure Compatible with OSX Mavericks?

  • 28 October 2013
  • 17 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +13
I'm planning on upgrading my mac to OSX Mavericks.  However I wanted to make sure Webroot for mac was compatible.
The Webroot system requirements webpage for mac only includes Mountain Lion and Lion.
Thanks in advance for your kind assistance.

Best answer by MikeR 12 November 2013, 00:34

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17 replies

Userlevel 7
There was a temporary conflict with Safari after the upgrade to 'Mavericks' when Webroot was installed. I believe this conflict has been resolved, but please Open a Support Ticket so that we can have our engineers confirm.
The support system will also allow us to gather a limited amount of information from your current system configuration and help us diagnose any issues that may present themselves.
NO!     ...or at least not yet. Apple changed Mavericks prior to release such that WSAC doesn't correctly install all it's modules!
You'll potentially find like me that WSDaemon will max CPU and potentially you could experience recursive kernel panics on reboot as well.  Just spent several hours re-imaging a cratered disk volume before I discovered the obvious! :(
WSA(Mac) development are allegedly arranging for re-certification.....  
Userlevel 3
Badge +13
You are correct, I had to uninstall WSA from my Mac after upgrading to Mavericks.
Also, even on Mountain Lion the safari add ons would not install properly on all user profiles and WSA would also frequently inform suspicious activity which after checking with support representatives adviced me to ignore them.
I guess I'll keep WSA just for PC since I have not encountered any issues on that platform.
Userlevel 7
Thank you for the information, Carlos.
The Safari conflicts have been resolved and we are still collecting information to help our developers resolve the issue with 'Mavericks' as soon as possible.
Userlevel 3
Badge +13
Hi Mike,
Thanks for the update.
I think WSA is one of the best security products for PC (I already purchased my license and plan on renewing), even more so because it can be used in combination with other security suites or products with no issues.
Having said that, WSA for Mac has been a bit troublesome for me, first there were some Safari add on issues which would not install properly on all users profiles, then apparently the classification system had a bit of trouble while filtering sites with Safari browser (even Webroot website was flagged as suspicious). Support personnel informed me that the classification system had temporarly encountered technical difficulties and soon afterwards most of the previously restricted websites were now allowed (again this only happen in Safari browser). Lastly but not least important moving to Mavericks proved to be troublesome for WSA as previously dicussed.
I'm more than confident that eventually all will be sorted out, specially those issues which affect most users, however in the mean time I have decided to protect my mac with another security product. Maybe next year once WSA has become a bit more stable and mature on Mac I might switch back.
Userlevel 7
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Carlos
I appreciate your honesty and apologize for any inconvenience caused. :robothappy:
Just FYI, I upgraded to Mavericks a couple of weeks ago (by accident) and then downloaded webroot secureanywhere internet security complete and reinstalled it (after first removing the existing installation).  It starts ok now but the Safari plugin still won't install and once a day I get a popup message that says the following:
"The kernel extension is not from an identified developer.
"The kernel extension at "/System/Library/Extensions/SecureAnywhere.kext" is not from an identified developer but will still be loaded.
"Please contact the kernel extension vendor for updated software."
My SecureAnywhere software was downloaded October 30, 2013 and installed.
I also received the error below and random kernel panics on shutdown or restart.
"The kernel extension is not from an identified developer.
"The kernel extension at "/System/Library/Extensions/SecureAnywhere.kext" is not from an identified developer but will still be loaded.
"Please contact the kernel extension vendor for updated software."
Is there an upcoming update that will fix this issue?
Thank you.
loumatrix wrote:........ 
Is there an upcoming update that will fix this issue?
Thank you.
Yes as it's a known issue:

Apart from some WSA services marked as non responding in activity monitor and some of the problems described above, the biggest annoyance I ran into since upgrading my Macbook Pro to Mavericks was WSA triggering the discrete GPU. This is a real show stopper since I have to quit WSA any time I unplug the AC or have my battery depleted in 1.5 hours or less. The customer service seems to be aware of the problem but as of today there's no solution available.
Userlevel 7
The issues with OS X Mavericks and Mountain Lion are resolved in the newest version of Webroot SecureAnywhere. 
Mac version has just been released and you will begin receiving the update in 24-72 hours.  Otherwise, you can perform a fresh uninstall/reinstall to force the update.
Thank you all for your patience. :robothappy:
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Nice I see they put it back on it's own channel v8.0.5.66
Daniel 😉
Perhaps you can update the System Requirement section to include Mavericks?
Hi Mike,
the updated Webroot ( still triggers the discrete GPU. Was that problem meant to be fixed with this release?
sorry to resurect this thread but was this ever fixed?
reason being, using Webroot SecureAnywhere Antivirus on Yosemite but WSDaemon constantly uses 100% - it's so bad, I've had to uninstall it completely - bit gutted as only 18 months in to a 3 year subscription - is there anything I can do?
thanks in advance
@ wrote:
..... is there anything I can do?
thanks in advance
Only the two obvious things already mentioned earlier:
1. Raise a Support ticket,   AND
2. Start or continue disabling/reducing browser extentions,plugins, other anti malware/realtime monitors, and elaborate on Hardware/Software versions.
FWIW, while I have a 10.10.2 test bed (looks like I need to upgrade to 10.10.3 + Apple security patches et al) I experienced the WSDaemon CPU issues initially on Mavericks 10.9.5 and earlier WSAC versions.
Currently WSAC with latest 10.9.5 patches hasn't yet reproduced the WSDaemon symptom on either of my MBP's again while incrementally restoring over last couple of months!..  Specifically while it's CPU resource can cap 100% at times then it reduces to below 60% (and falling) after 5-10minutes and circumstantially related tp whether a FULL/COMPLETE Scan has also been invoked?  Previous as you've no doubt observed it would max both CPU cores for an hour (or more)!
No time currently to run in anger on Yosemite but given another couple of weeks of stable WSAC (and other utilities) I probably will continue migrating my Mavericks production volume over to Yosemite and thus also test WSAC  on that platform with more realworld usuage. :p
Post both your hardware & software specs/versions in meantime for comparison and perhaps we can compare notes again in a month?
Good luck in the meantime.
thanks for your answer Tony, I will re-install it at some point and try your suggestions
trouble is, it was so bad (and made my system virtually unusable), I can't lose the time at the moment but will try to get to the bottom of it, hopefully in the next few weeks
thanks once again
