
Webroot support responds that Apple M1 processors are not supported

  • 20 March 2022
  • 5 replies

Userlevel 1

Webroot released an announcement in November 2020 that secure anywhere would support the Apple M1 processor


I have been trying to install Webroot SecureAnywhere on my M1 based MacBookPro since November 2021 without any success.



I opened a support ticket detailing the fact that Mac Agent v9.4.1.27 just hangs during the installation process.


The response that I received was:


Thank you for contacting Webroot. 

M1 processors are not currently supported. 


Webroot Support”

MacOS Monterrey v12.3

MacBookPro  2021

Processor: M1 Pro


Best answer by TripleHelix 5 April 2022, 17:51

View original

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +25

I am running it on my MacBookPro M1 Max. It has a few issues with multiple scans running at the same time, but seems to work. That said, I do not recall how I installed it. It might have migrated from my previous M1, which migrated from an Intel MacBookPro. 

So is this just an installer issue perhaps?

But there is this post that says they are supported:


Userlevel 1

Yes the post announcing M1 support was Nov 2020.  

However when I opened an issue with webroot support in March 2022 asking how to run the installer on a MacBook Pro with an M1 they responded with “M1 processors are not currently supported. “

Userlevel 7
Badge +63

Yes the post announcing M1 support was Nov 2020.  

However when I opened an issue with webroot support in March 2022 asking how to run the installer on a MacBook Pro with an M1 they responded with “M1 processors are not currently supported. “

I found this:


We will see what @ChadL  has to say!

Userlevel 7
Badge +63

Chad made a reply here:


Userlevel 7
Badge +33

They are supported now yes. @TylerM confirmed it for me

