
How to stop Webroot deleting my block/allow file paths

  • 22 January 2024
  • 7 replies

Userlevel 1

I have tried telling Webroot to ignore a DLL through “PC Security > Block/Allow Files”. However, a few minutes after adding this path, if I navigate to another Webroot tab and then back, the pattern gets removed. I know that the path is saved, because I can restart Webroot and the path is still there; moreover, Webroot is not removing all file patterns, only the one that I added, and only after a few minutes. Is anyone familiar with this issue and/or aware of a fix?

On a side note, I am only adding this path because the DLL is being regenerated by a Unity project, and Webroot seems to flag that as malicious and prevent Unity opening it. This issue has only started occurring in the last week or two, and is being experienced by numerous other Unity users. Quitting Webroot fixes Unity, so I’m pretty confident that this is a Webroot issue, not a Unity issue.

On another side note, the inability of Webroot Home edition to allow folder paths, not just file paths, is pretty laughable. This feature has been requested multiple times over the last ~8 years, and has still not been implemented. Moreover, several posts redirect to this feature request page for upvoting, but the page just says “You are not authorized to access this page”. Most users say that this is by design to prevent users ignoring actually malicious folders, but come on, all you need is a warning the first time users try to add a folder path. If you already allow file paths, and you already allow folder paths in the Business edition, then this sounds like a pretty empty excuse. Developers need the ability to ignore folders with frequently regenerated files, and Webroot preventing that is not a feature. All of the above is leading me to consider replacing Webroot with another AV for the first time in almost 10 years.


Best answer by TripleHelix 24 January 2024, 04:52

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7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +63

Hello @Rabadash8820 


It’s not broken as you say but if you have issues with certain files please contact Webroot Support and they will help and work with you!


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Note: When submitting a Support Ticket, Please wait for a response from Support. Putting in another Support Ticket on this problem before Support responses will put your first Support Ticket at the end of the queue.


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Userlevel 1

Hi @TripleHelix, thanks for responding, but I’m not sure you saw the initial question in my post. I’m wondering why Webroot is spontaneously deleting paths from “Block/Allow Files”, and how to prevent it. Everything after that was mostly me complaining. 😅

Userlevel 7
Badge +63

Hi @TripleHelix, thanks for responding, but I’m not sure you saw the initial question in my post. I’m wondering why Webroot is spontaneously deleting paths from “Block/Allow Files”, and how to prevent it. Everything after that was mostly me complaining. 😅

I’m not sure but Webroot Support has other tools so they can find out what’s happening and help you fix it, we on the Community don’t have access to these tools and we Mods are Volunteers. And you pointed to many Requests and seen the replies so contact Webroot Support! Also when I have issues with certain Programs and or files I always contact Support via the Ticket system to get files Whitelisted so I don’t use the “Block/Allow Files” .


Also are you a Consumer or a Business user?



Userlevel 1

Yes, as a volunteer I definitely appreciate your time! My current frustration is with the Webroot dev team, not with this community.

I’m just a Consumer (using the non-Business edition). I don’t really understand what getting files “whitelisted” means. It sounds like you’re saying that every user who wants to block/allow a specific path on their specific machine has to go through Webroot support to get the path added? Is that why the path that I’m trying to add keeps getting removed?

Userlevel 7
Badge +63

Yes, as a volunteer I definitely appreciate your time! My current frustration is with the Webroot dev team, not with this community.

I’m just a Consumer (using the non-Business edition). I don’t really understand what getting files “whitelisted” means. It sounds like you’re saying that every user who wants to block/allow a specific path on their specific machine has to go through Webroot support to get the path added? Is that why the path that I’m trying to add keeps getting removed?

Webroot is a Full Cloud AV but not well known programs and files need to get Whitelisted at times and support will do that via the Ticket system as a scan log is uploaded and just ask them to whitelist my files.


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Userlevel 1

Hm, I’m only using the desktop Webroot Secure Anywhere application; I’m not sure that I have access to all of that multi-vector protection stuff. I still don’t understand the point of the “Block/Allow Files” tab if it won’t work without the support team getting involved. Said another way, every user is going to have specific paths on their machine that are “unknown” on every other user’s machine. Adding those to some global cloud-based list for all users seems like a complete waste of time and storage. But I guess I’ll reach out to them if that’s really the next step. None of this is improving my opinion of the Webroot software as a whole. 🙄

Userlevel 7
Badge +63

Contact support please and they will help you and ask them the same questions to see what they say, they know much more than me. Yes we all have Multi-Vector protection with all Webroot AV Product’s.


