Former Mozilla Engineer: Disable Your Antivirus Software, Except Microsoft's

  • 27 January 2017
  • 6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +52
Antivirus software vendors are terrible; don't buy antivirus software, and uninstall it if you already have it (except for Microsoft's).
This is how Robert "Roc" O'Callahan, a former Mozilla bigwig engineer started a blog post today, in which he details a long list of issues that antivirus software have caused to browser vendors.
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6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +54
A great way to get people to treat you seriously.
Userlevel 5
Just spotted this article on Ars Technica
The article goes on about how all antivirus is bad and how only Microdoft has a decent product in that field and how AntiVirus increases the surface area of the PC opened to threats due to poor programming and deep operating system hooks adding new exploitable holes.
They also link to a list of bugs found in antivirus and other software which Webroot is noticably abesent from. *Kudos*
This silliness strikes me as a poor sort of advice to give, while it may apply to the truely tech saavy that A/V is a hinderance that some may not need for most people the so called increased threat foot print is not really existant for them and the security provided by a product like Webroot is well worth the small possibility of a code bug that actually impacts security.
What do you all think?.
Userlevel 7
Badge +34
Dangerous and irresponsible "advice".  I am sure that some AVs do cause problems with browser developers but to lump them all together in this way is totally ridiculous.
Userlevel 7
I trust Microsoft's Security all by itself! No other security is needed. Yeah, right. What a joke.

Is today April 1st?  :p
Userlevel 7
Well, to be honest if one avoids all the stereotyping and take a cold hard look at the results that Windows Defender under Windows 10 is  producing the claims are not entirely ludicrous. And therefore I can see a day when WD is perhaps the AM of choice for many who don't what what seems a hassle to fin, assess and then download/install a 3rd party OS.
Things all areas. ;)
