Weelsof Ransomware Disguises as Airline Ticket from Delta Air Lines

  • 23 October 2014
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Malicious campaign has been active for over one month
By Ionut Ilascu on October 23rd, 2014 A malicious email campaign, detected more than a month ago, luring users to open fake electronic airplane tickets, is still alive and kicking, using the exact same type of bait.
The message reaching the inbox of the potential victim contains details about an alleged purchase of an airplane ticket; details include the number of the ticket, seat, date and time of departure, as well as the destination.

The document, which claims to come from Delta Air Lines, is available for printing in the attachment.

Malware does not have file encryption capabilities

Researchers at Cyveillance have analyzed the file and determined that it is a version of the Weelsof Trojan.Full Article

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