Adobe Reader disappeared - Error 1406

  • 11 December 2014
  • 3 replies

The Adobe Reader which was on my computer for years suddenly disappeared. When I try to download it again an ERROR 1406 message appears, saying it is unable to write in the Key. I am told this is common if you have Webroot installed. how do I overcome this and get back my Adobe Reader?

3 replies

Userlevel 7
It's nothing to do with Webroot, make sure the old version has been fully removed and try again. Sometimes it takes a few times of trying to get it installed. If not you can use a number of free PDF readers. 
Thanks for that. I have removed all versions of Adobe and tried four or five times. The error message keeps coming after 98% of the download! I would hate having to do without Adobe.Is there anything else I can try?
Userlevel 7
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Hello Badrinath,
Welcome to the Community Forum,
May I add to this and suggest you take a look here,
Best Regards,
