Pebble scores the ESPN app, brings sports to your wrist

  • 22 August 2014
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Userlevel 7
By Alan Buckingham  Posted o 8/22/2014
Yes, I know not everyone is a smartwatch fan. It is a device reserved for geeks, athletes and the curious souls who wish to know what it's about. Pebble was one of the first to market (Microsoft came early, but failed) and now it has one more app to get existing customers, and potential ones, excited.
 With baseball season heading into the homestretch and football, basketball and hockey all looming, the company has landed ESPN for its wrist technology.  You'll get scores and game updates right from the watch -- Sports Center always with you while you're out and about, not sitting on the sofa watching the game.
betanews/full read here/

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